It’s the weekend…thankfully.  The past week wore me out.  LOTS of work and workouts. 

The original game-plan for this morning was a long run on the Lincoln trails, but after the active day of exercise/workouts I had yesterday, my body decided otherwise this morning. 

FIT Friday included pretty much a full day of being active:

  • Started the day instructing BodyPUMP 94
  • Instructed a 30 minute Core class over lunch
  • Hit the gym in late afternoon for a strength training/run combo with the gym partner (because I just CANNOT pass up enjoying my own time in the gym – it is my current fav)
  • Spent the evening power-walking & talking on the park trails for a good hour or more with a friend (because we like to be active when we catch up on our lives instead of sitting and chatting over a meal…like most of America tends to do when they socialize)


Even though I loved every bit of the above activity yesterday, my body let me know that today should be a REST day — instead of a trail run day like I really wanted.

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Rest Day…Not my favorite day – but I’ve learned that it is part of the program.  Sometimes you have to allow your body time to reset in order to continue making progress.  With that being said, it is very hard for me to go with ZERO exercise so I settled for starting my day with 45 minutes of CX + Chalene Extreme Abs core work & will call it “active rest.”

My trail run will take place tomorrow morning, as a goal of mine is to run the trails once each weekend up until the Honest Abe 14k Trail Run at Lincoln on September 20th (which I plan to participate in, but still need to register for!!!).

After the core workout, I spent the remainder of the morning cleaning and organizing at my house until the noon hour rolled around (lunch!!)

I grilled chicken to put into a whole wheat wrap and enjoyed my new favorite greek yogurt on the side:

photo OIKOS TRIPLE ZERO Greek Yogurt

I recently discovered this delicious greek yogurt at wal-mart!  Talk about AWESOME! It has an awesome Nutrition Facts Label and it tastes awesome, too.  Boom…can’t be that!

At 15 grams of protein per serving, Triple Zero definitely helps me hit my daily protein intake without all the extra fat and carbs I do not need or want.  I have been researching and reading articles in any little spare time I have, and have determined that in order to get to 18-19% BodyFAT I am going to have to consistently track my macros (and HIT the correct intake of them each day…it’s one thing to track them, it’s another to actually hit the correct ratios on a daily basis). 

The last 3% bodyfat will likely only be shed by eating a VERY clean and lean diet (that has the proper ratios of proteins, fats, and carbs), as well as continuing the workout progression in the gym. It boils down to a CONSISTENT diet of high protein, fewer carbs, and very little fat (just the healthy fats!) & a gym routine that is constantly being tweaked to keep pushing your body to new levels.

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You can kill-it in the gym, but if you are not controlling what enters your mouth, then you will not see maximum results (nor will you feel your best or function your best!).

So from me to you…keep working hard and never give up on something that is important to you.  We all have our own goals and our own ups and downs in life; and, if the gym and running has taught me anything at all, it is to NEVER GIVE UP because you are so much stronger than you think!!

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“Keep your eats healthy and your workouts sweaty!!”  ~KT